Car Fail Comments
That cone was placed by Chuck Norris.
Watch_Dogs in a shellpotato
Japanese quality. What went on in the factory?
Student drivers better think twice next time they face me.
There's a reason they're called caution cones
the cone was made in america
Is the cone ok?
Cone of steel
No, that cone was placed by Chuck Norris' mother. Only she can tell him to get out of the car, and stop driving illegally.
No. Stay.
Wow, it's Kryptocone
faaallCCOONNEEE punch!!
It is a Honda.
Not nearly as hard as my penis
is this in the loony tunes?
Now we know where they buried Superman's p enis
weak car
every krusty crab employ knows to bug a block of lead in their cone
That cone was placed by Chuck Norris.