Car Fail Comments
So pathetically fake, but still funny I guess.
If she farts you're both dead.
It's just a photoshop of another picture on here!
tubby Lumpkins chill on the snickers
If she farts, you will break sound barrier...
Fake! The sparks should go the other way.
It redifines the term "low rider".
that's why fat girls need to stick to Harley's
Honey. we need to pass this truck, switch to afterburner!
I didnt know rubber can create sparks
pretty sure this is photoshopped..
I can hear the motorcycle screaming through the picture
Now that's what I call preload!
There's nothing there to even spark... Tyre is rubber...
HAHA it's funny cuz she's fat!
if she farts it will be a like a saturn rocket going off
Past the weight capacity.
on the next episode of honey boo-boo...
and to think that he sticks his part A into her slot B
Pretty sure it's over the weight the bike can hold!
Wonder what makes the sparks. If it was the wheel, they would go down in front of the wheel, unless he's reversing at incredible speed...? But yes, she's a bit over "ideal BMI".
What'd she eat??
Thats a huge b itch !!
Conbustibal chubbster on bike warning hazerdis methane
PUSHIN 40/mph!!
Past the might capacity.
Big girls need love too, even photoshop love
nice photoshop original: http://www.carfailures.com/posts/110226-useless-inventions
What's that joke about a moped and a fat chick again?
So pathetically fake, but still funny I guess.